Saturday, February 2, 2013

Did you hear? Did you hear??

So did you hear? It's all a buzz, Shea moisture has added a new hair dye line to their brand.

What's so different? : No ammonia and some funky cover art! So is this a new revolutionary, safe and effective way to get that color that we long for?? That shiny black, beautiful blonde, awesome auburn and everything in between? Or is this genius marketing??

Let's be honest. Shea moisture has delivered a pretty solid line of hair and body care to us thus far. So are you all in?? Or cautiously curious?

I'm sure this is not new news but to our virgin colorist, aspiring artist and pretty new painters ( no really I tried really hard to come up with that). If your hoping for sexy highlights, specific warm colors and lovely lo-lights. like these

pictures courtesy of pinterest

You may need to see a professional colorist. Invest in your fresh!