Sunday, January 13, 2013

Life after a haircut...

So we've already touched on "why" you should trim. But let's face it, sometimes you get a little more than you bargain for. I'm not exactly scissor shy. I love the way my tresses fall after a good trim. The problem I'm having right now is finding my style rhythm again after an all out cut. Yes, while we say "trim" which means cut an itty bitty bit, sometimes you end up getting chopped up. I'm just saying... Then its back to the drawing board when it comes to stretching etc. Bad enough we have to deal with the dreaded "shrinkage"!

Now on the bright side, as Mia has shown us life after a cut can mean a nice healthier weight, the strings are no more and the curls are popping!!

With that being said I gotta feel my way around this cut. My heat styles are still my go to's. The results are similar just shorter:

Wand Curls before and after hair cut:

Light press before and after hair cut:

My challenge right now is NON heat styles. My flat twistouts which normally give me good results have been just okay. My first attempt below was good. But as many of you know that does not mean you are going to have a hit the next time.

Flat twist out before and after hair cut:

I'll be playing around with my no heat styles. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. The goal is to get curly looks with SIMPLE techniques. Yes SIMPLE. Time does not stand still because you want to play around with your hair. We get it. Stay tuned.....

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